
It has been a very long time since I have last posted an entry. Seemed like every time I was prepared to sit down and spend some time putting my thoughts down, something came up and it got delayed.

Some days I was just so tired from the hectic rush of my days activities that I had no strength or desire to let my thoughts pour out. I got sidetracked a few times. I just plain refused to write anything a few times. I spent time with my wife and daughter some of those days also.

Not to whine and complain, but I don’t think many people realize how much time and energy one has to spend in maintaining and posting to a blog. Often times I will sit down having planned a rather short, concise blog posting, only to have something stoke the fire in my mind and now all bets are off. An hour or two later and I have finally put my latest creation to bed after clicking on the “Publish” button.

I believe there is a parallel between writing and photography. By photography I don’t mean simply picking up your camera and taking a few indiscriminate snaps. I mean planned out portrait sessions or going on a hike with ideas on what you hope to capture that day.

There exists an undeniable ideal flow at times to both writing and photography. This occurs when conditions are such that every word meshes effortlessly with the next. One paragraph melds with the successive paragraph. Before you know it, in what seems like a rapid eye blink, your words form cohesive themes and no rules have been violated.

Photography can work the same way. There have been days that I have taken large numbers of photos and the session is over before it seems to have started. Incredibly, every individual frame is darn near perfect. I say darn near because I am not a believer in absolute perfection as it applies to individual achievement. These darn near perfect days are very rare and only happen when they happen. If you expect or plan for one of these near perfect days, you will be utterly disappointed. Let the moments unfold in their own time & place and marvel at the results.

Just as in our day-to-day lives…

Until next time,


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