A letter to my daughter…

To be a father is both the greatest gift and greatest challenge a man will ever experience. To be your father is a role that brings with it times of frustration, anger, tears of sadness and worry. But more so, it brings joy, laughter, tears of pride and memories.

I remember the day you came into the World. That was when I knew what love really was. You arrived in my hands and arms. Arms that draw you in for a hug on good days and in celebration. The same arms that have offered a safe refuge from life on occasions you have needed it.

I remember many times wondering how to be a dad and scared out of my mind that everything I did or would do was wrong. How do you give your daughter a bottle? How hard do you pat her back to get her to burp without fracturing her spine or ribcage? Why did you make that noise you just did? I lay awake many nights just listening. Listening to the baby monitor and hearing you sigh or rustling around. Some nights I would sneak into your room, pick you out of your crib and hold you while we rocked. I just stared at you in disbelief and amazement.

I had no idea what life had in mind for you or me. I just knew that I prayed for a little girl and my prayers were answered. As I held you, so many things rushed through my mind. Would you be intelligent? Would you be athletic? Would you and I get along as life went on or was I in for many arguments and being told, “Daddy, you just don’t understand!”? Would you be open to my advice and be able to endure my often times lengthy dissertations on life? Would you have lots of friends and be well liked? So many additional questions flew through my mind as we shared time rocking and me holding you close to my heart.

Thankfully, we have not had many knock down drag out fights. You seem to have listened to my many stories and cautionary tales and have done an outstanding job of not getting arrested. ;>) I have always tried to be there for you in any way you need me and have missed less than a handful of the many events you have participated in. The sense of joy and pride I experience when I see or hear you perform is endless. You definitely don’t have anywhere near the level of performance anxiety that I had when I was younger.

I need you to never forget that I challenge you and “get on your nerves” at times because I see in you a most remarkable individual that occasionally needs a reminder to not coast through life, but to aggressively pursue life and immerse yourself in all the success you achieve. Carpe Diem! I am amazed at all your achievements and the numerous accolades you have received at such a young age. I can only imagine what is in your future but I have no doubt that it will make your daddy’s chest swell with pride and bring tears of joy to his eyes.

As your first year of high school comes to a close, I want you to know that I will always be here for you. No matter what life brings, I will always be here to offer encouragement, a hug, a kind word and the truth. I very rarely share your accomplishments and abilities with others as I don’t want to get into the proverbial one upsmanship of “my child is better than yours”. As I have always told you, don’t tell people how great you are, they will discover that for themselves.

Although people will read the words I have written, my words are written exclusively to you, for you and about you. I want you to always have a place to go to and be reminded how I feel about you. I will close by sharing a quote that you should never forget…

β€œTo give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.” – Steve Prefontaine

Until next time,


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