Merry Christmas!

I checked in real quick to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! Hope everyone got things they like and can use. Sometimes you get things that don’t quite work out. Maybe it’s a hat that is a bit snug and it needs to be exchanges for a larger one because your head is too enormous. Maybe it’s the duplicate gift you got and one needs to be returned or exchanged. Maybe a gift is too small to carry things meant to go inside of it. One or all of these things can leave you feeling bummed out and sad. Remember that it’s the thought that really matters.

I will leave you for now with an image that I captured a few weeks ago and used on my family Christmas cards and also on some cards sent to clients.

I will surely do my best to post more frequently and also will share the story of how I came to capture the above image and what I did to it to get it to look the way it does. HDR may have been used.

Until next time,


Posted in Mark's Thoughts

December 1, 2011. A day of reflection…

I write my blog entries for myself. A sort of online diary. The fact that others stop by once in a while to read my latest ramblings or, as some do, check every day amazes me. I don’t know what is so special about my musings that draws people, but I certainly get many, many visitors. I don’t feel that my words are profound or that they cause readers to take action. I have received feedback from time to time from readers letting me know how my words and or images make them feel, but that isn’t very often.

I am in a reflective and somber mood as I write these words. A few things that are on my mind and in my heart occupy my thoughts.

November 29 would have been my father’s 77th birthday. I have written about my dad in the past on my blog and how I miss him. I find myself thinking about him at various times and how he would view the current events of our planet. The politicians playing games with the opposing political party hoping to get the inside track on the next elections would surely anger and disgust him. He would be saddened as well by these politicians childish behaviors while our once great country grows weaker and our citizens suffer from the inaction of a few hundred self-important and delusional individuals that are supposed to represent our interests, but rarely do.

I know my father checks in on me and my family from time to time. I often feel his presence. It’s not like his ghost appears or that lights flicker or I hear noises. I just get this feeling and awareness that he is close by. I feel his strength and I feel a sense of calm and safety. I wish I could talk to him and get some guidance or words of wisdom from him. He had a way of leading you to answer your own questions and solve your own problems. I also wish I knew what his thoughts would be about my daughter, her accomplishments and the person she is and will be. I have no doubt he would be proud. I also wonder what he thinks about me and what my life has become.

I miss you, Dad.

I occasionally have a thought of someone from my past pop into my head and as a result, I will do a Google search on that person to see if anything comes up. This happened again late last night (Nov. 30). I was visiting some websites and doing some reading on world events, sports, photography, etc. when the image of a woman I haven’t seen or spoken to for twenty some years popped into my brain. I Googled her name and her children’s names and had my breath taken away when the first Google listing was from a funeral home in the town I used to live in when I last saw her. She died two days ago.

I felt a profound sense of sadness. I had not seen or spoken to her for so many years, so why did I think about her last night? I don’t have an answer. I only know that I shed several tears as I read her obituary. She was the mother of a son and daughter that were both good friends of mine. I worked with this dear woman at a local movie theater and shared many, many laughs and good times with her. I also spent many hours at her house hanging out with her children and watching TV or talking. She was a kind and caring person.

Karen, I know you will be missed. God bless.

Until next time,



Posted in Mark's Thoughts

Please don’t show anyone my picture…

Sometimes in my life I come upon people or situations that turn out to be far different from what my initial thoughts were. I grew up as an Air Force brat and as such, I and my family moved several times, often without much notice. I don’t want it to sound like we moved every 6 months or anything but we did have a number of relocations. I developed  a knack for sizing people up real quick. I could tell you in under one minute if we would ever be friends. Not acquaintances. True, real, honest to goodness friends.

I have very rarely been inaccurate in zeroing in on people and what they are about; what their true agenda is. Of the few times I have been wrong, only twice have I really been burned by someone I considered my friend. The other times I was wrong resulted in my discovering someone who was or is quite a delightful individual. I made such a discovery a month or so ago while photographing groups of high school kids. There was one person who I shall refer to with the gender neutral name of Terry so as to not shed any light on the identity of this person.

Terry was someone who always struck me as being disinterested in most things, lacking a sense of humor, and generally not sociable. Not really mean, but certainly not someone who would offer a hand if needed. Terry kind of just existed and was just there, hanging around at various times and locations. I never really heard anything positive being said by Terry. But, I never really heard anything negative either. I just never witnessed Terry say anything. Funny how your total perception is based on only considering half of the whole picture.

Advancing my story takes me to a photo session where my opinion of Terry was blown to bits, the pieces swept into a pile, doused in gasoline, and set on fire. Then the ashes were gathered and then released in EF-5 hurricane force winds and dispersed never to be seen again. In other words… I was so far off base with my opinion. Turns out Terry is so very personable, so very funny, so very kind, and would make a great friend to anyone who is patient enough for the person I have described to appear.

Seems that Terry is a chameleon. Blends in. Doesn’t do much to draw attention. That is until Terry feels comfortable with you and the real Terry shows up. While taking pictures, Terry was urged to jump in front of the camera with an off the cuff request that I knew would never get Terry to take a position in front of my camera. I was completely shocked when that is in fact what happened. Terry grabbed a hat, threw it on haphazardly, and jumped in for a portrait.

In complete disbelief and actually stunned, I looked through the viewfinder, focused and pressed the shutter. CLICK! Gotcha! I just took a portrait of someone I never thought I would. Terry gave me a look as if to say, “There you are, sir. I am not who you thought I was. I am who I am and I do things on my schedule. Before this moment, I wasn’t ready for you to see who I really am, but you seem OK and so… Check me out!“.

To say I was blown away would be an enormous understatement. I simply stood there with a bemused, but content look on my face. What happened next was equally huge. Terry stood there looking quizzically. I simply asked, “Do you want me to take another photo of you?“. Terry smiled and nodded yes. A few seconds passed and Terry struck a pose that made me roar with laughter as I took the picture. A handful of others that were standing around joined in the laughter. And then it was done. Terry walked away and I got back to picture taking.

What I didn’t learn until later was that as I continued taking pictures, Terry approached my wife, who helps me on many of my photo sessions, and said, “Please don’t show anyone my picture“. I was very bummed out to learn that Terry never wanted anyone to see the awesome pictures I had captured.  I am guessing that in those few short moments after the pictures were taken, Terry worried that others would see the pictures. Others who Terry wasn’t ready or maybe even willing to let in. I will honor Terry’s request. No one will ever see those images, unless the day comes when I am given the OK to show them.

Since that day, I have learned much more about Terry and who this person really is. I have heard several stories about an incredible sense of humor. I have learned that Terry is quite intelligent and a very good student. I have learned that Terry will be college bound soon. I have learned the Terry is a very loyal friend.

I have also learned that I thought I knew who Terry was, but I was wrong.

Until next time,


Posted in Mark's Thoughts

When good things come to an end…

I have been very, very busy lately. Taking photos at Omaha Central High School for their band, and rehearsal & head shots for all the students involved in the production of Hello Dolly. The show was performed 3 times last week and weekend. My daughter was the lone flute player in the orchestra and I am extremely proud of her and all she has accomplished. My wife and I saw the Friday and Saturday night performances. What a bunch of extremely talented students. I was in awe of the acting, singing, musicianship, and work performed by the stage crew. I remember thinking to myself that this production was some of the best theater I had ever seen and how great the performers and musicians were. My opinion only strengthened when I remembered that this was a high school production. Great job and thanks to all that were involved.

As I stated above, I have been extremely busy and I have been spending much time at Central High. I volunteered to take pictures of the marching band this past August as the learning process started and the transformation of 100 individuals into one cohesive unit was begun. Incredible how fast a marching band emerged from these dedicated and talented young people. The commitment and hard work they put in is only fully realized and appreciated when one witnesses the process for themselves.

When I was in high school and playing sports, I thought the band got together, marched around a little bit, played some notes off of a sheet of music, and played at our football games. I had not a clue what really happens and how hard they work. I also had no idea that there are many people directing and helping this kluge of instrument carrying individuals become a marching band.

I was really into the marching band and looked forward to hanging in the bleachers at Central on Tuesday and Thursday evenings watching and listening. I was a band parent, but sort of felt that I was somehow a part of the band because I took pictures of them as they practiced, played and performed in parades, competitions and at football games. I met and got to hang out with so many truly cool people. A shout out to Judy, Shellie, John, Shanna, Maggie, Kit (although I already knew him), Mr. W., Mr. C., and many others.

I also met many band members that really impressed me with their commitment, dedication and kindness in making sure my daughter was looked after, shown the way and included. Many of these band members were already known by my daughter because of her participation in Omaha Pubic School’s Summer Musicals the past 2 years. It bums me out knowing that 2 in particular are Seniors and will be leaving to head to college. A special thanks and much appreciation to Sam and Emma. Also big thanks to Anna and Marissa. You are all very special individuals.

I will close for now by stating my feelings about Central High School and the marching band… I am feeling some sadness knowing that the marching is over for now, but I look forward to next August when it starts again. I just wish this version of the marching band could stay together and continue on, but life is not like that. Good luck to those leaving Central and taking the next step in their lives. It was great!

Until next time,


Posted in Mark's Thoughts


It has been a very long time since I have last posted an entry. Seemed like every time I was prepared to sit down and spend some time putting my thoughts down, something came up and it got delayed.

Some days I was just so tired from the hectic rush of my days activities that I had no strength or desire to let my thoughts pour out. I got sidetracked a few times. I just plain refused to write anything a few times. I spent time with my wife and daughter some of those days also.

Not to whine and complain, but I don’t think many people realize how much time and energy one has to spend in maintaining and posting to a blog. Often times I will sit down having planned a rather short, concise blog posting, only to have something stoke the fire in my mind and now all bets are off. An hour or two later and I have finally put my latest creation to bed after clicking on the “Publish” button.

I believe there is a parallel between writing and photography. By photography I don’t mean simply picking up your camera and taking a few indiscriminate snaps. I mean planned out portrait sessions or going on a hike with ideas on what you hope to capture that day.

There exists an undeniable ideal flow at times to both writing and photography. This occurs when conditions are such that every word meshes effortlessly with the next. One paragraph melds with the successive paragraph. Before you know it, in what seems like a rapid eye blink, your words form cohesive themes and no rules have been violated.

Photography can work the same way. There have been days that I have taken large numbers of photos and the session is over before it seems to have started. Incredibly, every individual frame is darn near perfect. I say darn near because I am not a believer in absolute perfection as it applies to individual achievement. These darn near perfect days are very rare and only happen when they happen. If you expect or plan for one of these near perfect days, you will be utterly disappointed. Let the moments unfold in their own time & place and marvel at the results.

Just as in our day-to-day lives…

Until next time,


Posted in Mark's Thoughts

Football & A Marching Band

This past Friday evening (8/26/11) I did something I had not done for over 10 years. I went to a high school football game. It was at Central High School and featured our Eagles vs. the Burke Bulldogs. Burke was ranked second in the state coming into the game and it was supposed to be over before it started. Burke has several Midwestern beef and corn eating young men that tip the scales near and over the 300 pound mark.

I was very nervous before the game, just as I had been when I was back in high school and taking the field of battle. In high school, the butterflies didn’t stop until that first hard hit was over. Friday night, I wasn’t sure when the butterflies would stop. I was nervous for the football team and I was nervous for my daughter. Friday night was her introduction to a real, there are people in the stands, marching band performance.

She and the rest of the marching band had spent many hours marching, sweating and working hard on becoming a band the previous couple of months. Now it was showtime and time for them to put on their performance. They weren’t wearing their marching band uniforms. They were wearing khaki shorts and their purple band t-shirts due to the potential heat. I thought they looked sharp. Of course there is room for improvement and I know they will.

The football game was pretty exciting and aggravating as well. Central had their chances to win the game, but too many interceptions (3) and a fumble at Burke’s 5 yard line were costly. Final score: Burke 14, Central 7. I look forward to the next home game in a couple of weeks.

The next day, Saturday the 27th saw the band perform in a local parade.

Dundee Day Parade

It was the annual Dundee Day Parade. This was the 50th time this parade has been held. The Central Marching Band led off the parade. My wife and I have been taking photos for the band this year and we both were snapping away on Saturday morning. I took one side of the street and she had the opposite side. I think we both got a decent amount of exercise while photographing the band.

We would get in front of the band and capture several images until the band had passed us. Then, with backpacks strapped on and cameras mounted on monopods, we would sprint like Olympians until we were once again in front of the band and start the process again. Everything was great for the first part of the parade. Then the crowd started getting denser and the parade path headed uphill.

Dundee Day Parade

Dashing through the crowd and up the hill made for a few harrowing moments and many near collisions. I am pleased to report that no one was injured.  The band sounded great and many Central alumni and band parents lined the parade route and cheered as the band passed by. It was an enjoyable way to see a parade and I look forward to more performances.

Until next time,


Posted in Mark's Thoughts, Photography